There are many households in this country that own two or more vehicles. It is nothing surprising to see both spouses going to work with their own cars in the morning. And while this may seem like an idealistic image in these days of economic recession, there's nothing really strange about it. We are fortunate to have a high standard of living, and you can't blame someone just because it's convenient for them to have several cars in their garage. Still, even those who have the money to own two or more vehicles find it hard to cope with costs of keeping them these days. Car insurance quotes are rising on a yearly basis, and when you have more cars to insure the final bill is something that even a wealthy person will find costly. Still, it's a matter of being insurance-savvy and being smart when it comes to certain decisions, that will grant you affordable car insurance quotes for your cars.
Many people tend to make the mistake of buying separate policies for their cars. Sure, maybe you didn't buy all your cars at the same time, and invested some time into shopping around for the best rates that your new car can get. Still, as a result you get several policies that are generally priced as average on the market for each of your vehicles. And even if you have a good yearly income this may account for a serious sum of money. Is there a better solution to this situation? Naturally, yes.
Most insurers offer significant discounts for buying a single policy for several cars. The more cars you include into a single policy the lower is the cost of insurance for each vehicle you own. There are several reasons for this rule. First of all, insurers don't love paperwork as much as we do, and it's much simpler for them to keep records for several cars under the same account rather than separate accounts for several vehicles. And they charge you with a single premium instead of separate bills for each car. Besides, the more cars you have the less is the risk of an insurance claim for a particular vehicle because it gets distributed across all of your vehicles. Say, if the risk of an insurance claim for a single car may be equal to 3% during a year, in case of several cars it is diminished to 1% and less for the same person. And the lower the risk the more affordable car insurance quotes become. So if you want to optimize your insurance costs, this is the best solution you can get.

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