10. World's Smallest Frogs
Frogs by the Latin name Paedophryne amauensis and has a length of 7.7 millimeters is claimed as world's smallest vertebrate animals. Frog the size of a fly's solve the previous smallest vertebrate animals fish Paedocypris progenetica the size of 7.9 millimeters.Scientists discovered the frog while doing research in Papua New Guinea.
Frogs by the Latin name Paedophryne amauensis and has a length of 7.7 millimeters is claimed as world's smallest vertebrate animals. Frog the size of a fly's solve the previous smallest vertebrate animals fish Paedocypris progenetica the size of 7.9 millimeters.Scientists discovered the frog while doing research in Papua New Guinea.
9. Mucus, a single-celled fungus owner Memory
Scientists from the University of Sydney in a new study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academies of Science states, single-celled creatures , Physarum polycephalum , has no nervous system (brain), but to record the memory. Biologists, Chris Reid revealed by leaving a trail of slime, Physarum polycephalum can find out where they've stopped.
8. Unique cat with 2 faces and 2 Color Eyes
Venus, a cat that has two contrasting colors on his face and also has a different color in his eyes.
Venus, a cat that has two contrasting colors on his face and also has a different color in his eyes.
Half his face was jet black with green eyes.Some brownish yellow face with blue eyes.Because of its uniqueness, Venus became the most popular cat on the planet.
Venus, the cat with a unique two-color face and eyes.(NGM / Today Show / NBC). |
7. White killer whales
seen wandering adult white whales off the coast of Russia in April.White Pope called "Iceberg" has a length of approximately seven meters claimed as the only one in the world. The scientists said the white whale is not necessarily suffering from albino because it has a color in the saddle on the back of the dorsal fin. Unique genetic conditions because Iceberg suffer Chediak-Higashi syndrome, the syndrome is a rare disease of the immune system and nerves that affect staining.
6. Most animals with legs Animals with the highest foot , Illacme plenipes , found in California, USA. This animal has a length of 1.2 inches with 750 feet milipede. The first animal was first discovered in 1928 and then considered the species extinct. Animals most millipedes have only 80 to 100 feet. However, Illacme plenipes the skin surface covered by long hair that covered his back, having approximately 750 feet to 550 feet for females and males.
5. Turtle Remove Urine Oral
Through the Journal of Experimental Biology mengungkpakan scientists who first cases occurred in animals, the soft shell turtles China (Pelodiscus sinensis)issued a urine through the mouth.Pelodiscus sinensis put their heads into the puddle, then wiggled his tongue.
However, they do not drink the water.Scientists learned turns P.sinensis has a similar structure to the gills in its mouth.
4. Resembling a lion lioness Males
lioness looks like male lions are found in Africa. Masculine lioness is likely to occur because of impaired embryo at conception or while in the womb.
This is the case because of suspected genetic contribution to the sperm that determines the sex in most mammals, abnormal. Thus causing the lioness to some male characteristics.
3. Fish with Genital Head Phallostethus cuulong a unique fish that has genitals on his head were found in the shallow waters of rivers in Vietnam. This fish is a small fish with a complex anatomy.
2. Hedgehogs with Penis Weird When TeamNational Geographic Emerging Explorer, Lucy Cooke mengunujungi Tasmania, Australia this year, the team found that beaked kind of hedgehog, which has four head of the penis.The shape resembles a thumb or look like a strange sea anemones.
1. Giant Eye Ball Found in Coastal Florida
mysterious giant eyeball the size of a softball blue waters stranded in Florida in October. A few months later, the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission reports that the eyeball belonged swordfish or swordfish. This giant eyeball crowned the weirdest discoveries of the year 2012.
Rakasasa eyeball found in Florida, USA, October 2012.This eye is known as the eye turns swordfish. (Carli Segelson / Fla. FWCC / National Geographic News). |
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