There are many stories about the ghost ship in the world, from generation to generation in the telling of the story is creepy, including:
1. The Octavius

The story starts from a whaling ship called the Herald in 1775 in Arctic sea accidentally discovered a huge ship adrift at sea. When in the new note Approach hull vessel named The Octavius, The Octavius itself is also a whaling ship, no signs of life on the ship until a ship's crew Herald ventured to climb the ship.
Surprisingly crew finds the crew of dozens of bodies lying Octavius freeze, crews are expected to die kedinginansetelah lau long lost in the Arctic and run out of stock. The most astonishing turns Ships The Octavius had been reported missing 13 years ago, so for the time lag only ship adrift at sea, after the discovery of the ship until now word got lots of fishing boats sighting Octaviusdi The Arctic Ocean, when approached kapaltersebut suddenly disappeared in the fog.
1. The Octavius

The story starts from a whaling ship called the Herald in 1775 in Arctic sea accidentally discovered a huge ship adrift at sea. When in the new note Approach hull vessel named The Octavius, The Octavius itself is also a whaling ship, no signs of life on the ship until a ship's crew Herald ventured to climb the ship.
Surprisingly crew finds the crew of dozens of bodies lying Octavius freeze, crews are expected to die kedinginansetelah lau long lost in the Arctic and run out of stock. The most astonishing turns Ships The Octavius had been reported missing 13 years ago, so for the time lag only ship adrift at sea, after the discovery of the ship until now word got lots of fishing boats sighting Octaviusdi The Arctic Ocean, when approached kapaltersebut suddenly disappeared in the fog.
2. The Joyita

Year 1955 a ship chartered by a group of fishermen who totaled 25 people who used to catch fish in the waters of the South Pacific. in persetujuaan between the tenant and the owner must report any kapa once every hour on the hour to 7 Namuan vessel is not reporting. For the safety of the crew then dikerahkanlah rescue team to locate the ship.
After a search that involved all SAR teams there. The Joyita not found until five weeks later found adrift 600 miles, or 1000km from where she disappeared.
When the ship found none of the 25 crew were found, the rescue team found the only damage alleged group of pirates had attacked the ship. investigating the results also found some blood spills on the deck of the ship, the hijackers allegedly killing all the crew and threw it into the sea.
3. The Lady Lovibond

Lady Lovibond is a ship used to carry a pair of newlyweds honeymoon, at the same time Bebeberapa crew also to include in the boat, one of them the wife of a former girlfriend who was not known by the husband called Simon Peel, a former girlfriend of the wife felt revenge and killed the couple and all the crew with a knife, and he himself smashing the ship to sink to the cluster of coral February 13, 1748.
The story of the sea awesomeness that too still exists today, the latest report from the fishermen who had seen the ship in 1998 when crossing cluster of coral placed sinking ship.
4. The Mary Celeste

The ship named the Mary Celeste, a merchant ship that was found unmanned and adrift in the Atlantic Ocean in 1872. The most horrible thing was when the ship was found floating just discovered seafaring without any crew, but when leaving the ship is carrying at least 80's crew
Another finding says the ship is in very very good condition, no damage to the ship is still expanding even kapalpun screen without tearing, other scary stories of the ship The Mary Celeste was the position of the items on the vessel is still in place.
If the ship is hijacked possibility valuables will surely disappear, and at least there may be resistance that can cause damage but all was not found on this ship. the crew is like a mysteriously vanished. some crazy theories about the ship began to emerge from inadvertently entering the waters of the Bermuda triangle to Alien abducted. but all were on The Mary Celeste will remain a mystery until now.
5. The Flying Dutchman

Statues ship The Flying Dutchman in cape expectations
And this is the story of the most famous ghost ship in the world, The Flying Dutchman. a merchant ship from the Netherlands in the 1700s sail the ocean to make a trip to the colonial time (supposedly Indonesia). taukahkamu suez canal in the 1700s have not been there so if vessels from Europe who would like to have around the African continent asia, the hardest-hit areas when it was headland hope, because there the current meeting between the warm Indian Ocean and the cold Atlantic ocean currents cause most violent in the world ocean. named Cape of Good Hope as to pass the cape is the only thing to do is hope that the ship was engulfed current expectations malignant cape.

Disney cruises being melewai ship The Flying Duchman sculpture
Flow malignant casualties rose, a ship captained by Van der Decken Dutch ditanjung rotating ocean currents such as swallowing, because the frustration was able to get out of the flow of the Van der Decken eventually become frustrated and mad that he killed his wife who happened to take, do not quit got there when it was out of his mind Van der Decken swore he would get out of the giant vortex width 300km 2 meeting due to ocean currents, "although until kiamatpun I'll find a way out of the sea".
But she did not know about the stream is not like a ship today that uses engine power will easily come out of the stream. different if its current sailing ship that was the 1700s would certainly not be able to.
until the vessel is missing and until now has never been found, there is a story told Van der Decken was condemned for his words. so he was condemned to remain in the ocean, many stories told sighting of the ship until now.
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